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The latest update as of June 18, 2024

Cordova Dragway Summer Nationals

The Summer Nationals at Cordova Dragway

FUNNY CAR CHAOS - Qualifying Session #1

Dave Hirata - 'Drastic Plastic' --- Howard Seldon - 'The Proclaimer'



Mike Minick - 'Chi-Town Hustler' --- Mike Minick - 'Chi-Town Hustler'

Justin Herbst - 'Scorpion' --- Michael Neal - 'Burnin' Love'



Neil Girot - 'Twist 'N Shout' --- Mike Buchanan - 'Hombre'



Robbie Massey - Moats & Massey' --- Ray Drew - 'Cobra'



Bill Bernard - 'The Grinder' --- Jeff Krug - 'Obsession'



Bob Alberty Jr. 'Thunderin' Okie' --- Kevin Newburgh - 'The Heckler'



Joe Morrison - 'Hell Bound' --- Joe Pirrone - 'Super Camaro'



Jim Chase - 'Wicked Quick' (near 
lane) vs Jade Cook - 'Nemesis' (far lane) --- Wayne Hofmann - 'China Syndrome' 
(near lane) vs Bill Naves - 'Shooting Star' (far lane)



Tom Furches - 'Made in America' 
(near lane) vs Justin Mallott - 'Must Be Nice' (far lane) --- Dustin Bradford - 'American Dream' 
(near lane) vs Rodger Eckhardt - 'Demon Hunter II' (far lane)



Danny Mann - 'Pony Up' --- Rebel From Hell - #5426 A/FX



FUNNY CAR CHAOS - Qualifying Session #2

Jet Cars - 'Wonder Woman' 
(near lane) vs Josh Kreuder - 'Captain America' (far lane) --- Chris Schneider - 'Brutus'



Jordan Ballew - 'Ballew Thunder' --- Howard Seldon - 'The Proclaimer' 
(near lane) vs Mike Buchanan - 'Hombre' (far lane)



Mary Reep - 'Grim Reeper' --- Lance Van Hauen - 'Van Hauen Bros' (near lane) 
vs Wayne Hofmann - 'China Syndrome' (far lane)



Alex Barker - 'Back In Black' (near 
lane) vs Joe Pironne - 'Super Camaro' (far lane) --- Jade Cook - 'Nemesis'



Kris Battey - 'Batmobile' (near lane) vs 
Robbie Massey - 'Moats & Massey' (far lane) --- Bob Alberty Jr. - 'Thunderin' Okie'



Dustin Bradford - 'American Dream' --- Justin Malott - 'Must Be Nice'



Chuck Loftin - 'Bucket List' ---



Rodger Eckhardt - 'Demon Hunter II' --- Dennis Rotter -



FUNNY CAR CHAOS - Qualifying Session #3 (FINAL)

After a pair of hard fought qualifying sessions on Friday night, the 38 cars in attendance faced off to see who was going into eliminations, and who was going home. At the top of the heap were the "A" field runners, which ran from "top dog" Dave Hirata in the Motry Family blown fuel Mustang. His 3.454 e.t. was well ahead of the rest of the field, with #2 runner, Kirk Williams nearly a quarter of a second slower in his "200 Proof" entry. The bump spot for the "A" field was a seriously stout 3.894 - 172.39 held by Mary Reep in her "Grim Reeper".

The "B" field numbers ranged from #1 qualifier Chuck Loftin clocking in at 3.980 -173.96 and at the bottom of the group, Robbie Massey" with a very decent 4.147 - 139.83. Lower down were the "C" field with the eight qualifiers spread between Alex Barker's 4.186, down to Kris Battery's 4.442 e.t. And at the tail end were the "D" fielders, starting with Neil Girot at 4.454 and finishing with defending series champion Tom Furches at 5.124 - 143.78. On the outside, and desperate to get in to eliminations were series regulars Mike Buchanan, Dustin Bradford, and the blown fuel entry of Vic Tiffin.

Chris Schneider - 'Brutus' (near lane) vs 
Justin Herbst - 'Scorpion' (far lane) --- Wayne Hofmann - 'China Syndrome''



Jade Cook - 'Nemesis' --- Tom Furches - 'Made in America'



Mike Minick - 'Chi-Town Hustler' --- Dustin Bradford - 'American Dream'



Bill Bernard - 'The Grinder' --- Ray Drew - 'Cobra'



Howard Seldon - 'The Proclaimer' --- Joe Morrison - 'Hell Bound'



Kevin Newburgh - 'The Heckler' ---  Robbie Massey - 'Moats and Massey' (near lane) 
vs Dennis Rotter (far lane)



Dave Hirata - 'Drastic Plastic'

The Mullet Machine - Wheelie Van --- Jordan Ballew (near lane) vs Ryan Oehler (far lane)



'Beat The Heat'