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The latest update as of October 26, 2018
Friday night update from the NHRA Toyota Nationals at LVMS
After two qualifying sessions in Top Alcohol Dragster, Surrey, BC's Shawn Cowie sits at the top of the ladder, with a very strong 5.217 - 277.43 turned during the first session. He backed that up with a slightly slower 5.260 - 274.46 clocking in the second round.
Sitting right behind in the second spot is his points pursuer, and three-time defending T/AD champion, Joey Severance who improved from an opening 5.274 - 275.59 pass to a #2 qualifying 5.245 - 275.06 effort. It's to be noted that atmospheric conditions were somewhat less than ideal as 3664 feet of corrected air graced the first session, which degenerated into an even worse 4477 ft. in the second session.
There's one more qualifier on tap, at least on paper, as NHRA consistently cuts Top Alcohol (dragster and funny car) sessions when the program is running late so as to get the PRO cars on track during prime spectator and TV viewing times. Referring to NHRA's website shows two more qualifying sessions scheduled for tomorrow, but the second, set for 5:00 pm, must be the first round of eliminations as Sunday's roster doesn't show a first round.
If Cowie & Severance hold their positions at the top of the field, they should be able to advance to the second round without too much difficulty, and if all the dominoes fall in their favour, will meet each other in what should be a gangbuster final round. If that happens, the 2018 NHRA World Championship in Top Alcohol Dragster could come down to that single round of eliminations.
Stay tuned for updates throughout the weekend on the progress of these two hard-charging racers and of course, more - much more - from the California Hot Rod Reunion.
Friday Funny Fotos from the California Hot Rod Reunion

Our first pair of flopper pics feature (LEFT) Brad Thompson in his sharp looking "Jailbreak" Camaro, while Dan Horan (RIGHT) is in the "Patriot" as both racers launched hard during the first Nostalgia Funny Car qualifying session

A very familiar sight on the (LEFT) is Bobby Cottrell wheeling the "Bardahl Special" of Bucky Austin, and on the (RIGHT) it's a wheels-up launch for Bill Windham in the "Shakedown" Camaro

On the (LEFT) it's Justin Taylor in the Taylor family "Evil, Wicked, Mean & Nasty" Mustang, and on the (RIGHT) we've got Rian Konno, also in a 'Stang, sporting the colours of "Kazanjian, Lemon & Konno"

To the (LEFT) we've got long-time nitro veteran "jack of all trades" Cory Lee in the Gary Turner-owned "Pedaler" Challenger, and on the (RIGHT) it's the "Code Red III" Camaro, driven by Mike Halstead

(LEFT) It's John Hale in his "One Bad Texan", while on the (RIGHT) it's Jeff Melendez in the "Cacklin' Critter"

On the (LEFT) it's Matt Bynum in the "Nitro Nick" Firebird, while on the (RIGHT) it's Shawn Van Horn in the "Choo Choo Mama" entry

(LEFT) it's Tony Jurado in the "Capitol Punishment", and on the (RIGHT) it's Geoff Monise in the "Quarter Pounder" Monza of (very) long-time SoCal racers Dale Van Gundy & Keith Clark

On the (LEFT) it's Jon Capps in the "Smokey's Darkside" Challenger, and on the (RIGHT) it's Billy Morris in the "Problem Child" car

To the (LEFT) it's Edmonton's Ryan Hodgson (defending NHRA Heritage Series AA/FC Champion) in the "Pacemaker" Camaro, while to the (RIGHT) we see Jeff Arend in Don Nelson's "California Hustler" Firebird

On the (LEFT) it's Jeff Utterback in one of the most famous tribute cars around, the "Pisano & Matsubara" Vega, and on the (RIGHT) it's Kris (formerly Hollywood) Krabill in the "Cascade Automotive" Omni-bodied flopper

With the light fading rapidly, and the ISO settings on the camera approaching infinity, we've got (LEFT) Marc Meadors in the "Fuel Curve" Camaro, and launching hard on the (RIGHT) is Rian Konno in the "Kazanjian, Lemon & Konno" Mustang