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The latest update as of July 7, 2018
United Nitro Funny Cars rock Spokane; get soaked in Seattle

It's often been said that a "picture is worth a thousand words". And in the case of last night's non-event at Pacific Raceways, the first night of the biggest UNFC race of the season, the picture (courtesy of good friend Dyan Lover) truly fits that description. Our latest look at the Weather Network forecast shows a low (30%) chance of rain this afternoon, decreasing to 20% in the evening. With temps in the low 70's (F) it's shaping up to be a great night of NITRO funny car racing. What could possibly be more classic than Saturday night under the lights with nitro funny cars at Seattle?
Two great posters put out by the association deserve a place on this page while we wait and hope that someone will provide some photos (hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean, etc) to go with the results that we're able to receive through the "magic" of Facebook.
We can call it that as when this website started in 1997, news and photos travelled at a snail's pace through cyberspace. Remember dial-up connections that were so slow that you could eat dinner while waiting for a hi-res photo to download?
We'll post the results from Spokane later today, and tomorrow we'll have what news we can gather from Seattle, maybe including photos. If these events are run next year, WE WILL BE THERE in person, instead of sitting on a sunny deck at home, sipping on an ice-cold G&T and contemplating the state of drag racing in 2018. Stay tuned for more updates as soon as we get them.