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The latest update as of July 4, 2018
Coverage from the 6th Annual PRO MODS vs FUEL ALTEREDS Showdown!
In a world filled with increasingly strange doings, we can dial back the weird a couple of notches and feature some relatively normal drag racing: The 6th annual Northstar Dragway (Denton, TX) PRO MOD vs FUEL ALTERED Showdown. The rules are very simple: NONE. The format is straightforward: 12 Pro Mods and 12 Fuel Altereds qualify and they race heads-up in the first round; winners advance to the second round; and the quickest of each breed face off in the final.
You want flames? They got 'em. Nitro and nitrous. You want big smokey burnouts? Definitely! You want cool cars that you never see at the "major" events? They're all here! You want oildowns? NO, but they do happen from time to time. You want close exciting, unpredictable racing? It's all here at one of the quickest 1/8-th mile tracks in the country.
Here's just a teaser of the action from the first (of two) qualifying sessions on Friday evening. On Saturday, the cars came out for their final qualifier in the afternoon, then eliminations in the evening. We'll have lots of pictures and results posted over the next few days. As always: stay tuned!
The great pictures are courtesy of our good friends from Phoenix: Bob and Ginger Snyder. Check out their work (lot of it!) at
Bob Snyder Drag Photos
Friday Qualifying - First Session







