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The latest update as of July 16, 2016
Long Weekend?
Day one of the IHRA Mopar Rocky Mountain Nationals had a little, and in some cases a lot, of almost everything from blazing sun, to lightning, heavy rain, very dark clouds, brisk winds, and rainbows. We even experienced a bit of drag racing, starting very late, at nearly 8:30 pm, and continuing until 11:30 between a series of short-lived showers. While the Pro Cars (Nitro Funny Car, Nitro Harley, Top Fuel, Jets) were only scheduled to run once, they actually all got a chance for that sole pass. The Pro Mods and Pro 6.95 cars lost one session to the weather but the decision was made to give them two more chances today and push their first round of eliminations to Sunday morning.... weather permitting of course.
Unfortunately, the sportsman competitors drew the short straw, and aside from a handful of time trials for Super Street and a bunch of Junior Dragster passes, none of the sportsman racers got further than the staging lanes. That situation will impact the rest of the weekend, starting this morning with a somewhat compressed schedule of time trials and eliminations force-fed to the track before the start of Pro qualifying at 6:00 pm.