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The latest update as of September 16, 2014
Galveston on my mind.....
Remember the old Bob Dylan song about being "stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis blues again..."? Well, I'm in Mobile, but I'm certainly not stuck as the credentials for my next race on the NHRA tour came through and I'm heading west on Interstate 10 this morning. As for the blues... well I could sing a few sad songs about the troubles I've seen lately, but no one's listening anyway, so I'll just keep looking ahead for better days.
I'm almost jealous every time I receive a weather report from home and compare it to the series of cloudy and/or rainy days I've had since starting this tour in Indianapolis nearly three weeks ago. There have been some sunny ones, but not a solid stretch of vacation-type days since I arrived in Indy. Yesterday was more of the same, with clouds all day until just before sunset in Montgomery (Alabama), when the sky let loose with a huge lightning storm and torrential rain for nearly an hour. Fun driving? I think NOT!
The one weather-related complaint that I can't make is about being cold. When I arrived here last night at 10:30 it was still in the low 80's (28 C) and the jacket I brought with me on the trip is still wadded up in a corner of the trunk. Looks like more of the same today as I head along the Gulf Coast on my way to Galveston, Texas, then north to the Dallas area tomorrow. More adventures to be sure.