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The latest update as of August 26, 2014
On the road - in Sheridan, Wyoming
No time for an update this morning as we're running late as usual, but here's a (very bad) snap of what Mapquest thinks of my roadtrip routing. It looks like an itinerary designed by a three-year old with ADHD, doesn't it? But that's partly due to drag race scheduling, partly due to my home base location, and partly due to wanting to see even more of the U.S.A. in one big trip.
There is a "MORE Xcellent Adventures" page started in the FEATURES section, but it`s blank until tonight`s pit-stop in Sioux City, IA. Until then, there`s another 1100 kms of hard driving on the schedule. Time to fire up "Big Red" and head out on the highway...