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The latest update as of March 22, 2011
Spring Roadtrip - Getting there is one-eighth the fun?
Here's a series of shots taken while trying to steer the car, adjust the stereo, program the GPS, answer phone calls and ocasionally pay some attention to traffic. Seriously, it's not that difficult to take photos while driving as long as you remember that you are in a car, there's other cars on the road, and that scenery that looks to be going past you very quickly... is actually going past very quickly.
As always at Northern Thunder, just click on the thumbnails to see the full-size images. The first two are from day two, between the California border and Sacramento (last Wednesday, March 16). After that, it's the drive from Bakersfield to Palm Springs, by way of Barstow and Yucca Valley, yeterday March 21st.
That's all for now as I've got to finish writing a wrapup for the March Meet to post on Dean Murdoch's SpeedZone Magazine website. Plus, there's a dire need for a haircut and a carwash this morning. Then drinks by the pool and lunch... and the list just goes on and on. So much to do, so little time....
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