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The latest update as of November 15, 2008
Picking Up The Pieces - Filling In The Blanks
Time to fill in a "few" blanks after nearly seven years of sporadic or no activity on this website. As stated earlier this week, I'm moving in a different direction as my personal odometer nears the 60 mark and retirement from the working world looms ever nearer.
To answer the question that's been asked so many times over the years, "Yes, I still have the race car" "No, it's not running" "Yes, it's still in Australia". And now I can add "It's for sale; the whole operation; everything; lock, stock and barrel". Yes, it's truly time to move on. Also on the auction block is my 50+ year collection of automotive magazines, books, newspapers and other assorted memorabilia. I'll start posting the details over the next few weeks as it's going to be quite a task to organize and catalogue it all.
Two things that aren't for sale are my memories of all the good times I've had at the races and even more, the people that make this great sport the all-consuming passion that it can be. The memories and all the stories I've written and photos I've taken (ok, tried to take) over the years.
Northern Thunder (the website) will remain and evolve into something more personal and more focused than the original "trying too hard and messing up everything" conglomeration it used to be. In the 21st century there's simply too many sites that do all those things so much better than I can ever could. From now on I'll try to stick to what I can do well and leave the tough stuff to those who can handle it.
Thanks to all the folks who've supported me so much over the years, and especially those who can still remember me when I do rise out of my "slumber" long enough to hit the keyboard a few times. For now: stay tuned!
PS: It's shaping up to be quite a weekend in Pomona, with numerous stories above and below the surface catching my interest. Even though I'm not a major flopper fan, I'm hoping that the little (relatively speaking) guy that could, Tim Wilkerson, can get off the canvas and throw one more knockout punch to claim an extremely well-deserved world championship. Two more racers to watch of course are Richmond's Shawn Cowie and Calgary's Jirkka Kaplan.
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