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The latest update as of July 2, 2008
1:00 PM
Just over three years has elasped since the last episode of Northern Thunder and it's waaaay past time to start on a new adventure. If we can get some "inactivity" issues sorted out with our very gracious hosts at Super WebHost, this page should be live and updateable later today for this coming weekend's sixth annual Cars RV & Marine Rocky Mountain Nationals at Edmonton's Castrol Raceway.
It's been three years since I've made the trip north to Alberta's best and ever-improving drag strip and to say I'm looking forward to another roadtrip to this race with SpeedZone Magazine's Dean Murdoch and ace photographer Bill Jeffery is an understatement. We always have fun in Edmonton and this year will be no exception. A bonus is that the first day of the event falls on July 4th and the Americans in attendance will no doubt partake in some serious celebrations commemorating that great day in their history.
For now it's time to dig out the suitcase and start throwing together the necessary gear for this expedition. Just hope I can remember where everything is, how to use it, and most of all, how to write about drag racing again.
For now, the picture pages will be empty, but "the plan" is (how many times have you read those immortal words in this space over the years?) to post as many as possible each evening. As always, stay tuned.....
PS: Looks like things are working again; now all I have to do is get some content on here and get some photos on those pages, then fill in a "few" blank spots from the last year or five, and we'll be back in business.
To see previous updates go to the What's Old page