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The latest update as of July 23, 2004
It's gonna be a hot one in Seattle
Good morning from Seattle, Washington, where the skies are bright and the outlook for the weekend is hot, hotter and hottest. The new track surface at Pacific Raceways will surely endure a "trial by fire" at this year's Northwest Nationals. Not to mention the effects on the racers, spectators, and the poor byte-stained wretches of the cybermedia.
Our online access may be somewhat limited at this event, but if something significant develops, we will be able to report on it (at a cost) almost as soon as the dust settles, or the flames die out. Hopefully, yesterday's tragic news from Snoqualmie Pass, about the presumed total loss of Mike Cofini's racing operation in a fire will be the worst event of the weekend.
The blackout curtains at the Federal Way Comfort Inn are very effective, as 8:00 am looked like the middle of the night from inside the room, so we're nearing 9:00 and still haven't made a move towards the track. I'll close off this report now before we get too late a start on the day and will provide the next update from the media center around noon.
Stay tuned to this page until I get the report and picture pages (accessed through the buttons on the left) up and running. Have finally found a few moments to post something; it's too long a hike from the media center to the starting line (and vice versa), so I've spent all day baking in the unrelenting sun and taking lots of pictures.
It's going to be late tonight until I get anything of substance posted; in the meantime, crack a cold one and think of me broiling for the good of drag racing.
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