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The latest update as of August 23, 2003
The Wages of Sin... and other invoices
Yes, it's early (as in 4:00 am early), but to beat on that old cliche once more, there's no rest at all for the truly wicked, and I've just got to be one of the worst, judging by my recent luck.
I've had a couple of loose teeth bothering me a little for the past few weeks - note that I said few weeks, as in "I had lots of time to deal with them" - but of course, in true Wilsonian fashion, didn't do anything until it was too damn late. My dentist only works Monday to Thursday; the last big race of the season at Mission covers the weekend and I have to be at Lions Gate Hospital bright and early Monday morning for my second artery bypass operation. Doesn't leave much time for dealing with bad teeth, does it?
Then, to add insult to injury, last night I discovered that I'd lost the photo-op of the weekend (so far, at least) of Mitch Myers' ka-boomer right off the starting line. After showing the still frame(s) to all the trackside photogs, I forgot to advance the tape in the Canon Optura far enough ahead before shooting the next pics and... you know what. Gone like the wind. Oh, man.
Check out what we did manage to save from the new Nikon 5700 on the Lordco Summer Nationals Friday page, accessible by clicking on the Lucas Oil logo on the left side of this page. There's no captions at the moment (5:00 am), and there probably will only be minimal amounts of text on the page for at least a week, but I will get the pictures posted from each day of the event in a timely fashion.
UPDATE: The pictures and other reports from the MIssion race have been moved to the "Features" page.
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