It's been a while, hasn't it? No, we're not dead... in fact, we're about
as far from that state of being (or non-being) as could be. Anyone who's
been in contact with, or seen me, over the last month knows that I'm still
on a major high from my Winternationals weekend in Australia in early June.
We just received another reason to feel optimistic about our chances for
next season and it's presented below as a Photo Quiz: What's wrong with this
picture? Take a close look at the pic and then tell
us what's wrong with it.
Here's a few clues: it was taken at the 1000 foot mark (approximately).
We ran 6.339 at 210.08 on the pass. The data recorder shows a cessation of
brain activity in the pilot 4.2 second after leaving the starting line (NOTE:
we said after leaving the starting line.... not BEFORE leaving the
line). Send us your answers and we'll incorporate them in a "what really
happened" story of the 2001 Konica Winternationals.
Let the Yuppie Weenie race on
by Red Green - "North of 40"
You see the ads on television with some Yuppie weenie in a high-priced
Statusmobile taking a corner in a four wheel drift. You wonder who'd be dumb
enough to try that until you hit the highway and find out the answer.
They're dipsy-doodling through traffic at twice the speed of sense and
turning your relaxing drive into a teeth grinder. What these goofs are
saying is "Outta my way, sucker, and let the big fish through."
Of course, the natural response is to teach them a lesson by driving like
an idiot, too. Instead, stay calm and think about the truth. That guy that
just blasted past you is making payments on a $60,000 car and he needs to
get to work early so he'll get a promotion so next year he can make payments
on an $80,000 car. That's treading water in a saucepan: You won't drown, but
you're still cooked.
You, on the other hand, have the sweet life. If you're late for work,
someone will cover for you. And there's no promotion coming your way, so you
don't need to risk your life. Just slow down, turn up the radio if it works
and don't let that big fish in the small car bother you. Right now he's just
the one who got away. But in the long run, you're the one who got away.