This "update" really isn't anything newsworthy, simply a few random
notes for anyone who's been wondering how things are going. Simply put, YES,
we're getting very close to packing up and shipping the car to Australia. NO,
the car isn't finished yet -- not even close, but almost everything is here
now and by the end of this week Tom should have the engine mocked up again.
Then we find out if all the new stuff that's arrived recently fits. Then we
go back to the drawing board and try to figure out why and how it doesn't fit.
(Hopefully this time around, everything will just fall into place, but we've
quit being surprised everytime it doesn't).
Still on the backorder list is one large (and expensive) component -
the clutch. Silly me, thinking they actually had them sitting on the shelf at
Crower. Well they did, three months ago, but he who hesitates is lost or he
who snoozes, loses. Etc. Anyways as the deadline(s) draw nearer, the nervousness
and excitement continue to build and the workload shows no signs of easing up
anytime soon. One big relief will be when the container leaves at the end of
next week, then the second one will be when the plane takes off on May 5th.
Then, after eight months with only .... what, four days off? ... I'll
be on a well-earned holiday for six weeks. Yeah, a vacation. Nothing to do
but thrash on a race car eighteen hours a day for a month and a half... Believe
me, it will be seem so much easier than the dramas of the last eight months.
However, we still much work to do before that happens, and that said, for those
who have been patiently (very patiently I might add), waiting for replies to
e-mails, letters, phone calls, etc.... Please bear with me for another two
weeks. I'll have some "free" (or at least reasonably priced) time then to start
catching up things, but until the container leaves there's not a moment to
During that time updates here will be short and infrequent, but I hope
everyone can understand my situation. Trust me, we're not intentionally ignoring
anyone, but there are priorities, and the race car is Number One right now.
In fact, it ranks well above such mundane activities as eating, sleeping, etc.
The other major priority is my regular job on the waterfront, because when "the
money stops, the party stops". Hang in there folks and thanks for all the kind
messages of support and offers of help in our big adventure downunder. They
are all much appreciated. And thanks to everyone who has made "Northern
Thunder" such a popular place to visit. Sometimes I seriously wonder why
people come here so often, but we must be doing something right.