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Tod Barker - 'Back in Black' --- Terry Haddock - 'Circle K'

(LEFT) Series regular Tod Barker with his black and blue-flamed "Back In Black" Corvette returns.

(RIGHT) Another NHRA fuel racer, diehard Terry Haddock unloads his regular ride as he prepares for his second FCC race, following on last year's successful outing at San Antonio (runner-up in the "A" field) where he ran several 3.50's and hit a top speed of 234.74 mph.

Scott Palmer --- Scott Palmer

(LEFT) First thing out of the trailer was the de-rigeur 5000-hp Margarita Mixer, complete with an altered grille. Looks like they learned some lessons from the Worsham family's similar machine that I first saw at the March Meet nearly ten years ago. One blip of the throttle and you've instantly got 5 gallons of margarita.

(RIGHT) Taking up lots of space with his BIG Show transporter, NHRA Top Fuel regular, Scott Palmer brought one of his other toys to the race (he's also got a Top Fuel Hydro, and a '53 Studebaker with a full-on blown fuel engine).

Lynn Logue - 'Back In Black' --- Lynn Logue - 'Back In Black'

Just to confuse the announcers, there's two "Back In Black" entries, but this Firebird-bodied car is driven by Lynn Logue. It's also got flames, but black and gold ones. The photo on the left appeared to show him having half of Texas available for his pit area, but all that empty space will soon be filled with transporters, race cars, crews and equipment.

Highway Hell

The ominously dark clouds that had gradually gathered during the afternoon let loose with a fury when Bob left the track for the motel as you can see in his last photo of the day. However, the weather forecast for the weekend is looking much better. The only worry is a "risk of thunderstorms" on Saturday afternoon.

Scott Palmer - burnout --- Lynn Logue - 'Back In Black'

(LEFT) Making his first appearance at an FCC event, and checking out his new NHRA-legal Top Alky flopper, Scott Palmer warms up the tires before making a check-out pass

(RIGHT) Winding up the tires as the traction takes hold, Lynn Logue takes the "Back In Black" Firebird down track

Chuck Loftin - 'Motivation' --- Ken Singleton - 'High Risk'

(LEFT) Making an early pass, Chuck Loftin tries out the Texas traction with his "Motivation" Mustang

(RIGHT) Sporting some new sponsors, Ken Singleton crosses the starting line on the burnout in his "High Risk" entry

Mitch King - 'Bone Bucket' --- Mitch King - 'Haddock Racing'

(LEFT) We haven't seen this car or driver for quite a while, but Mitch King brought out his infamous "Bone Bucket" Fuel Altered to shake the rust off himself and the car at the 'Plex

(RIGHT) What if they held a Funny Car race and a Top Fuel Dragster showed up? While he can't compete against the floppers, Mitch King came out of a long retirement from the NHRA Big Show (since 2004) to update his license in Terry Haddock's "rent-a-ride" Top Fueler. Here he blazes the hides on his first burnout in the car

Scott Palmer - burnout --- Lynn Logue - 'Back In Black'

(LEFT) Back up for another hit, Scott Palmer blazes across the starting line in his Tommy Thompson-backed alky flopper

(RIGHT) The "other" "Back In Black" entry in the field, this one owned and driven by Lynn Logue" made a test pass

Ken Singleton - 'High Risk' --- Chuck Loftin - 'Motivation'

(LEFT) Launching hard with the front wheels skimming the surface, defending FCC Series champion, Ken Singleton tries out the Texas traction with the "High Risk" car

(RIGHT) With the Hoosier's wrinkling nicely, Chuck Loftin launches his "Motivation" Mustang in the late afternoon

Scott Palmer --- Tod Barker - 'Back in Black'

(LEFT) Scott Palmer pulls into the beams in his brand new Top Alcohol flopper

(RIGHT) Preparing to stage before a check-out pass, Tod Barker and crew line up the "Back In Black" 'Vette

Near the end of the pre-race party in the pits, there was a large banner presented to the "King and Queen" of Funny Car Chaos, two of the hardest working and most deserving of success people in the sport of drag racing, Chris & Tera Graves

Kebin Kinsley (left) 
and Richard Hartman (right) --- Kebin Kinsely - 'War 
Wagon' (near lane) vs Richard Hartman - 'Wilkerson & Hartman' (far lane)

Steve Vang - 'Wicked 
Weekender' (near lane) vs Gary Wheeler Jr. - 'The Mistress' (far lane) --- Daniel Butherus - 
'Rat-a-Tude' (near lane) vs Bob Alberty Jr. - 'Thunderin' Okie' (far lane)

Doug Schneider - 'Schneider 
Racing' (near lane) vs -obscured- (far lane) --- Charles Ware - 'Juggling 
Rubies' (near lane) vs Levi Keenen - 'Illinois Thunder' (far lane)

Jordan Ballew - 'Ballew 
Thunder' --- Shane Blanton - 'Bad 

Mike Buchanan - 'Hombre' 
(near lane) vs Justin Herbst - 'Scorpion' (far lane) --- Ray Stringer - 'Blown 
Cent-Less' (near lane) vs Mitch Bowen - 'Northland Express' (far lane)

Jeff Cameron - 'Magnolia 
Missile' (near lane) vs Shayne Lawson - 'Man O' War' (far lane) --- Ray Martin - 'Worsham 
Racing' (near lane) vs Kyle Smith - 'Smith Family Racing' (far lane)

Terry Haddock - 'Circle K' (near lane) 
vs Todd Simpson - 'Simpson Racing' (far lane) --- Kirk Williams - 'Williams Bros.'

Nancy Matter - 'Guardian' 
(near lane) vs Bill Naves - 'Shooting Star' (far lane) --- Michael Tobacco - 'Pandemic' 
(near lane) vs Scott Cousimano - 'Nitro Mafia' (far lane)

Chuck Loftin - 'Motivation' 
(near lane) vs Dave Gallegos - 'Nitro Clown' (far lane) --- Damon Kuhn - 'Passin' Gas'

driver unknown - 
'Sundancer' --- Terry Totten - 'Rednecks 
'N Fuel'

Johnny West - 'Plan A' --- Rick Lewelling - 'Midnight 
Special' (near lane) vs Mark Hunter - 'Jailbreak'

Raymond Dawson - 'High 
Octane' (near lane) vs Keith Zimmerer - 'Penny Pincher' (far lane) --- Jimmy Jones - 'Texas Tremor' 
(near lane) vs Bobby Marriott - 'Shockwave' (far lane)

Jody Austin - 'BushWhacker' --- John Broussard - 'Purple 
Haze' (near lane) vs Mary Reep - 'Grim Reeper' (far lane)

Levi Keenen - 'Illinois 
Thunder' (near lane) vs Keith Jackson - 'High Heaven' (far lane) --- Andy Mears - 'Dragon Slayer' 
(near lane) vs Danny Smith - 'Snafu' (far lane)

Allan Middendorf - 'American 
Outlaw' --- Bob Alberty Jr. - 'Thunderin' 
Okie' (near lane) vs Steve Vang - 'Wicked Weekender' (far lane)

Tod Barker - 'Back in Black' 
(near lane) vs Scott Palmer - 'Scott Palmer Racing' (far lane) --- Ronny Young - 'Blue Max' 
(near lane) vs Gary Wheeler Jr. - 'The Mistress' (far lane)

Scott Pareso - 'Altered 
Reality' (near lane) vs Mitch Bowen - 'Northland Express (far lane) --- Chris Schneider - 'Brutus' 
(near lane) vs Tom Furches - 'Made in America' (far lane)

Jade Cook -'Nemesis --- Kyle Smith - 'Smith Family 
Racing' (near lane) vs Mark Billington - 'Sons of Thunder' (far lane)

Blaine Cunningham - 'Animalize' 
(near lane) vs Clay Cunningham - 'Still Crazy' (far lane) --- Daniel Butherus - 'Rat-A-Tude' 
(near lane) vs Steve Timoszyk - 'Detroit Tiger' (far lane)

Mike Newkirk - 'Disturbed' --- Lyle Greenberg - 'Cone 

John Hale - 'Red Baron' --- John Hale - 'Red Baron'

Kebin Kinsley - 
'War Wagon' --- Danny Smith - 
'Snafu' (left) vs Jade Cook - 'Nemesis' (right)

Chris Schneider - 
'Brutus' --- Nancy Matter - 

Justin Herbst - 'Scorpion' 
(left) vs Gary Wheeler Jr. - 'The Mistress' (right) --- Eric Eoff - 'Shazam!'

Ray Martin - 'Worsham 
Racing' --- Vic Tiffin - 'Gold Digger'

Mitch Bowen - 'Northland 
Express' --- Chuck Loftin - 

Don Knoblauch - 'Atomic 
Punk' --- Terry Totten - 'Rednecks 
'n Fuel'

Richard Hartman - 
'Wilkerson & Hartman' - AA/FA

SATURDAY (Eliminations)

Richard Hartman - 
'Wilkerson & Hartman (near lane) vs Kebin Kinsley - 'War Wagon' (far lane) --- Del Worsham - 
'Worsham & Fink' burnout

Allan Middendorf - 
'American Outlaw' burnout --- Allan Middendorf - 
'American Outlaw' (near lane) vs Ken Singleton - 'High Risk' (far lane)

Stevce Timoszyk - 
'Detroit Tiger' --- Tod Barker - 
'Back in Black' (near lane) vs Tom Furches - 'Made in America' (far lane)

Clint Cross - 
'Cross Ways' (near lane) vs Cory Holcomb - 'Black Widow' (far lane) --- Johnny West - 
'Plan A' (near lane) vs Robert Winefsky - 'Nitro Moose' (far lane)

Del Worsham - 
'Worsham & Fink (near lane) vs Ken Singleton - 'High Risk' (far lane) --- Nick Polloson - 
'Bucket List' (near lane) vs Doug Schneider - 'Schneider Racing' (far lane)

Scott Palmer - 
'Scott Palmer Racing' (near lane) vs Terry Haddock - 'Haddock Racing' (far lane) --- Bill Bernard - 
'BNT Motorsports' (near lane) vs Shayne Lawson - 'Man O' War' (far lane)

Keith Jackson - 
'High Heaven' (near lane) vs Tom Furches - 'Made in America' (far lane) --- Robert Winefsky - 
'Nitro Moose' (far lane)

Anthony Whitfield - 
'Mighty Mouse' (near lane) vs Robert Winfesky - 'Nitro Moose' (far lane) --- Bobby Marriott - 
'Shockwave' - burnout

Donny McSwain - 
'Wild One' (near lane) vs Aaron Morrow - 'Nitro Relapse' (far lane) --- Michael Neal - 
'Dixie Fever' (near lane) vs 'Black Magic' (far lane)

Joe Bush - 
Silver Bullet B/G (near lane) --- Blue Collar - 
White Trash B/G (near lane)

Mary Reep - 'Grim Reeper' 
(near lane) vs Aaron Morrow - 'Nitro Relapse' (far lane)

The first pair out of the lanes for the finals, were from the Outlaw Fuel Altereds association, and they produced a great race, with Aaron Morrow driving the Morrow & Darby "Nitro Relapse" (far lane) against Mary Reep in the family operated "Grim Reeper". Leaving first, but unfortunately with a BIG redlight shining on her side of the tree, was Mary Reep, handing the automatic win to Aaron Morrow.

Bob Alberty Jr. - 'Thunderin' 
Okie' (near lane) vs Tom Furches - 'Made in America' (far lane)

Next up was the final for the "D" field, and it featured Bob Alberty Jr. in his beautiful "Thunderin' Okie" (near lane), who redlighted (and shutoff) away his chance against Tom Furches in the "Made in America" (far lane). Furches laid down his best run of eliminations (4.069 - 164.25) for the win.

Levi Keenen - 'Illinois 
Thunder' (near lane) vs Bill Bernard -

Moving on to the "C" field final, it featured the Plymouth Arrow-bodied "Illinois Thunder" of Levi Keenen (near lane), but his best of eliminations pass of 3.820 - 194.64 fell to the very strong 3.669 - 205.07 winning run of the alky burning "BTnT Motorsports" entry of Bill Bernard in the far lane.

Scott Palmer -

Getting down to the final two races of the weekend, NHRA Top Fuel racer Scott Palmer brought out his new Top Alcohol Funny Car (near lane), and despite improving on every run, lost traction early and shutoff to a 5-second pass, dropping the decision to Doug Schneider's excellent 3.717 - 200.12 in his "Schneider Racing" entry. The "B" field was predominantly alcohol cars, as only three of the eight cars were nitro-fuelled.

Del Worsham - 'Worsham & 
Fink' (near lane) vs Kyle Smith - 'Smith Family Racing' (far lane)

The biggest race of the weekend, between the underdog blown alky car of Kyle Smith in his "Smith Family Racing" Mustang (far lane), and the NHRA Big Show-legal blown fuel entry of Del Worsham in the "Worsham & Fink" Toyota didn't quite live up to expectations, as Worsham smoked the tires and shut off early, while Smith rang up his quickest and fastest ever 1/8-mile time at 3.614 - 211.41 for the BIG win. Worsham tried his best, pedalling to a 4.718 e.t. and coasting across the finish line at 105.87 mph.