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The latest update as of May 30, 2001

3:00 AM   I'm sitting outside the terminal in the "smoking lounge" (aka: the parking lot), replenishing my nicotine content and contemplating the next leg of the trip. We'll be boarding the same old beater of a plane, with a few less passengers.... but the baby's still with us. "How about a double vodka, little girl?" might be necessary soon.

It's hot and muggy here, feeling like Brisbane in mid-summer and even though it's late at night, I'm sweating just sitting here writing. Time's running short as a glance inside shows the herd lining up at the chute to re-board. Time for a few more quick puffs and then it'll be time to re-apply that life-saving nicotine patch.

7:00 AM   Three and a half hours out of Honolulu and we're just short of the international date line. We'll be back shortly with a new date and time.

Black Bar
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